Qualification Written Test

Reference Details

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(1) Original 10th Marksheet

(2) Original 12th Marksheet

(3) Highest Qualification Certificate done by you (Original).

(4) PAN Card (Original)

(5) Adhaar Card (Original)

(6) 2 Passport Size Photos

It is mandatory to submit all the documents.

(1)- For getting a job/Courses in the Company, it is compulsory to quality this online 2nd Round Written Interview.

(2)-You are provided with a 45 minutes time limit. Try to complete the form within a given time period.

(3)-All the questions are mandatory to attend. You can pass this 2nd Round Written Test if your answers are 50% correct which means 22 answers out of 45.

(4)- The Company will rank you on the basis of your performance in this 2nd Round Written Test.

* If you qualify the written test with 100% which means 45 out of 45 answers are correct, Samradhya Bhumi Group will reward you Rs. 1,000 as Performance Achievement Scholarship Money.

* If you qualify the written test with 75% which means 45 out of 35 answers are correct, Samradhya Bhumi Group will reward you Rs. 500 as Performance Achievement Scholarship Money.

* If you qualify the written test with 50% which means 45 out of 22 answers are correct, that means you are just qualified the written test and is eligible for taking admission in Samradhya Bhumi Group.

(5)- You will get 3 attempts for qualifying 2nd Round Written Interview to get job/ course in Samradhya Bhumi Group .

(6)- After the 3rd attempt, if in case you are still not be able to reach the passing criteria (which is atleast 22 answers should be correct) then you will be disqualified and will not get another chance and you will loose this opportunity.

(7)- Once you qualify this round, you will automatically receive the Offer Letter by the Company on your Email ID.